News From The Marsh
A Word About Quality

There are so many options for caring for your pet. At Horicon Pet we are dedicated to providing only the highest quality products. All of our products have been reviewed and tested extensively. As part of our commitment to provide the ultimate value to you, we never take shortcuts, period!
A nice sunset on a chilly Autumn afternoon.

So, winter came out of nowhere, but it's moderated for the last few days. Hopefully it will stay mild for a while longer. Cassie got her first trip to the Horicon Marsh hiking trails today. She LOVED it!
New Beginnings

The dog in our logo, and in a picture or two on our site was named Haley. She was the motivation behind our product line, as no single tool ever seemed to be enough to deal with all that hair! Sadly, after nearly 14 years of companionship, we lost Haley to cancer earlier this year. Recently the time was right to start a new adventure of friendship and exploration. Meet Cassie, out for her first romp around the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge! She's already filling that empty space we've been missing, and will certainly be a very good girl. (Of...
One kit, all of the brushes....

Welcome to Horicon Pet!

Greetings from the great Midwest! Located in central Wisconsin, the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge is never more beautiful than it is this time of year. The leaves begin to change, migrating birds stop along their journey, and visitors from near and far stop to appreciate the beauty of nature. This unique place serves as the inspiration for Horicon Pet's name. Our pets provide so much to so many of us. Companionship, loyalty, love and often times entertainment! Most importantly, in life's day to day stress and craziness, they give us refuge, however brief. They give us a moment to take...